SK6812 RGB refers to the RGB LEDs controlled by SK6812 digital IC chips, sometimes the SK6812 IC is built-in inside the RGB LED, and sometimes external on the light strip PCB. SK6812 RGB led strip consists of several such SK6812 RGB LED lights, highly programmable, and the brightness and color of the SK6812 RGB LEDs are adjusted by data signals. RGB SK6812 is the more common choice for ARGB (addressable RGB) led strips and is similar to WS2812B, but with input voltages up to 12V or even 24V.
Comparison of Various SK6812 RGB LEDs
• SK6812 4020 RGB: Specialized side emitting light
• SK6812 3535 RGB: Mini size so can have dense led layout and narrower strip widths e.g. 5mm
• SK6812 5050 RGB: Common high brightness LEDs in large packages, may limit the led density as well as the PCB width
• SK6812 2020 RGB: Very small dimensions allow for high density LED arrangements and ultra narrow PCB widths of only 3 or 4 mm