Low voltage LED strip lights are often affected by voltage drop and signal attenuation, especially when the LED strip length is long. This normally leads to signal weakening, making the LED lighting effect uneven or out of control. In this case, we need to use LED strip light amplifiers.
MiBoxer Mi-Light led light strip amplifier adopts a high-speed optical coupler with a 10Mbps output rate; it can output the signal of the main controller completely and synchronously. These high-performance led strip amplifiers work on all PWM series LED controllers in the market.
Made from the big current MOSFET to assure the high rate output. Every time you add one more led strip amplifier, you can connect twice as many as LEDs. Theoretically, it can connect countless amplifiers, input and output are with optoelectronic isolation. Working with the main controller can satisfy the application requiring large power, wide range, and synchronization area.